Wednesday, April 1, 2020

10 things to do when social distancing - Life during COVID -19

We truly live in a time of crisis, with most of us experiencing a pandemic that has changed the way we wash our hands, interact with others, look out for each other and jump at the sound of someone's cough. As we are being encouraged and told to practice social distancing, we find ourselves with plenty of time on our hands as we can’t go out to public places and are confined to our houses. 

It’s been slightly more than a week since I have gone into self-quarantine and I have realized that having a routine makes it easier and more efficient for me to get things done. So I have picked up few things which I am doing and feel we can all do, with the time we now have owing to no commute, social life and work from home during this self-quarantine period. If you need an accountability partner to help you through your tasks, I am available - just reach out :).

So go on, check out the list :
1. Work out at home & rest: Use this time to recuperate from the fast life you have been leading, get your sleep and exercise. Set aside 30 minutes to 1 hour to do workouts at home – it could be yoga, a mix of different exercises or even your favorite dance routine. This will help release endorphins which gives you a positive feeling – much needed in these times. Also, make it a point to sleep for a minimum of 8 hours to ensure you keep your immune system in good working condition.
I found this one helpful and have made a home work out combined with yoga and exercises.
You can make one that suits your health too.
Image Courtesy: Balancing Bites

2. Learn a course: Was there a professional course you wanted to do, but couldn’t since you didn’t have time? Then this is it, there are plenty of free and paid courses you can take from the comforts of your home. At the end of the self-quarantine, you would have added a new skill - you can choose to learn an instrument or complete a course in a subject of your interest. I am doing a course in Marketing on HubSpot as I feel it will add value to my career, what would you like to learn?

3. Watch your favorite movies/ tv-shows: We all have plenty of movies/ tv-shows we want to watch at any point in time – now is the time to catch up on them. I tend to avoid watching shows (overstatement!) because I get hooked on to them pretty quickly and can’t focus on other stuff until I finish watching all of it, so movies are my go-to option. I am going to be watching all the movies nominated for the Academy Awards and the show Fleabag (in moderation), let me know your suggestions.

4. Take care of your mind: This self-quarantine time at home has been quite a chaotic time for me, at times I feel low and some other times calm. And in moments when I feel anxious, I take a deep breath and focus on my breath and become mindful of my body and senses. This has always helped me, take a deep breath right now – I am sure you will feel slightly relieved once you exhale. I'd suggest trying meditation, I have found it particularly useful. There are really good apps like Headspace and Calm which will take you through a guided meditation, to help ground you. 

Image courtesy : Business Insider

5. Read a book: For those of you book lovers who keep complaining that we don’t have time to read - guess we have got that problem solved now. Set a goal to read and try to achieve it during this period. I have set a target of two books; Sapiens by Yuval Noah Hariri & The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. I would like to know which books you are reading, do give me your suggestions.

As a book hoarder, I am always tempted to buy books and have plenty of unread books in my bookshelf - that oddly comforts me since I won't run out of books.
Image Courtesy: Bookidote

6. Create art: You could be a poet, singer, musician, painter, writer, photographer or interested in creating any form of art. I urge you to take this time to create art, it will help you relax and keep your mind active. You never know who will be inspired by your art and the world needs more of it during the time that we are living in. We can’t all just be doing jobs; we do need hobbies that help us relax too. I am going to be writing poetry and also learning to paint - I will share them on Instagram and here on my blog, I would love to see your creations- do share them (please).
    " The world always seems brighter when you've just made something that wasn't there before" - Neil Gaiman
    Image Courtesy: WWAS
7. Healthy eating & Self-care: This is a time when you are away from pollution and hectic schedules, so use this time to take care of yourself. Indulge in those head massages, nourish your skin, exfoliate and spend time to give your body the attention it needs. This is also a great time to cut down on junk food and cook up yummy healthy meals with family and loved ones. I have personally felt a good change in my body after I included more salad and fruits in my diet, you can try it and implement it as per your dietary requirements. Since we need to stay at home, we can come up with a healthy eating routine and cook well balanced nutritious meals, because we have the luxury of time.
The Harvard Healthy Eating Pyramid
Image Courtesy: Health guide

8. Reflect & Introspect: We are not perfect individuals and if you believe so, then sorry to burst your bubble. Take this time to connect with yourself and introspect to understand your patterns and behavior. Also, become self-aware and understand your shadow self. I have taken up journaling to help me in this introspection, you can adopt other practices that help you. This will also help you understand yourself, be grounded and understand the emotions you are feeling.

Take time and get to know yourself
Image Courtesy: Vocal

9. DIY & Organise:  Pick up any project that you can do yourself- could be a shoe stand, jewelry organiser, wine rack, decorating your personal space or even re-organising your home. This will help you keep your creative mind active and add a new look to your space. My project is to make a gratitude calendar where I can keep track of all the good things that happened to me throughout the year, this is for me to develop gratitude and remind me of the good things in life.
I am working on making a similar gratitude calendar.
Image Courtesy: Habits for wellbeing

10. Relax and connect with your loved ones: It is an emotionally difficult time and since we are bound to our homes, we are prone to feeling lonely. Call or video chat with your friends and family, reconnect with old friends, have fun group calls – all of us can do with some cheer and conversation. Don't forget to spend time with family at home - could be a board game, helping around the house or just having a nice conversation.
When these adorable dogs can video call, we definitely should!
Image Courtesy: Pinterest
The above list is not a checklist you need to do, just some things I have chosen to do - feel free to pick the ones which interest you and leave the rest. Don’t let this make you feel pressured and if all you want to do is take a break - that’s fine too. Do what works for you, I would love to know what you have picked up during this period. And if ever you want to talk to someone, you can always reach out to me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or even in the comments here and I will write back to you.

Just a note before I end this post - if you are feeling very uncertain/pressured know that no one has got it all under control (though it may look like it). Every time I complain that I am lagging on my goals and everyone else seems to be well figured out, my very dear friend sings a song. The lyric from the song goes like this, “These guys, they've all got their problems”. It’s a reminder for me that I am good enough and to live every moment fully in the present without comparing myself to others (I'm still trying to do that). So live carpe diem folks!

Getting back to writing feels amazing and I intend to continue. Let me know your thoughts on the current situation and your feedback in the comments below. Take care and stay at home, I hope you and your family are safe.

Note: If you can help shop for elderly neighbors, feed stray animals and provide some money to those who need - please do. Your kindness will make someone's day. Do remember to stay safe and take the necessary precautions. 

I found this infographic useful, so sharing it here 
            Image Courtesy: Maeeel 

Monday, November 4, 2019

Poem: Urban Nomad

This poem was printed in "Kithab", a compilation of poems and stories, published by Mathrubhumi.

Call for the Fajr prayers
Broke the silence of dawn
Ring of the alarm
Stirred her awake
Reluctantly to reality 

A monotonous day awaits
Deadlines and tasks beckon
The drone of the corporate wagon
Queues up targets inline
Passions and dreams long lost in time

Hustling through crowded streets
Struggling for a foothold
She longs for vast green meadows
A place where the eye meets the sea
Solace for the urban nomad

Social media dilutes conversation
To likes, shares and comments
A heart to heart
A lost art
Log out to connect

Concrete jungles a shelter
A means of sustenance
To grow wings
That fly you faraway
Where your dreams lay

A hundred pictures
Saved in phones
Perfect for Insta
Yet none captures the vista
Like your soul

The salt in her hair
Wind in her face
Lungs welled with air
Here she felt alive
In the lap of nature

This is a luxury
An escape from the drudgery
For the urban nomad
Who lives in the city, 

Yet dreams of the countryside.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Tribute to my Grandmother

I wish all my readers a very happy 2018 to you and your family. Hope this year brings with it success, positivity, resilience, growth and give you the strength to go out of your comfort zone and reach your goals. I  solemnly swear that I have been up to no good so far (Yes, Harry Potter reference ) and I hope that I break this monotonous cycle of lazily being an adult that I have gotten myself into.

This post is very personal and close to my heart because it is about my grandmother (May her soul rest in peace), and how I lost my bond with her over the years.

Personally for me, 2017 ended and 2018 started on a great note until my dad called me in the evening of 3rd January 2018 to tell me that my grandmother (my mother’s mother) passed away. She was my last remaining grandparent and I had lived with her when I was young. With these years, I have come to realize that everything makes more sense and you realize the importance of people in your life as you grow old and start trying to “adult” (around 23 years onwards).

As soon as my dad told me the details,  I was in denial I told him all the reasons I could think of to justify why nothing could have happened to her like she was in good health, she seemed healthy last time my mom went to see her and many more reasons. Then like quicksand, I got swamped by the emotion I was denying – Regret. Till that moment, I have never encountered regret and it was my own guilt and disappointment at not meeting my grandmother for the past 11 years when deep down I have been wanting to but was put off by different people and scenarios. As well as the fact that I was not adamant about my desire to meet her. I had numerous excuses which at that point of time felt like justifiable reasons as to why I didn’t go meet her - like us being in different countries, my grandmom staying at one of my relatives home to whom we are not on talking terms and us not having the privacy to talk to her and so on.

But the moment I learned that she is no longer with us and that I had blown off my chance to take a flight down to see her. It dawned on me that, I will no longer be able to see her kind smile and be enveloped in the warmth of her hug ever again. That is when I realized how bad a granddaughter I have been, and that I should have gathered up the courage to go and see her even though situations/people deterred me. I am really sorry Amooma (that’s how I call her…or called her :( ).

My Amoooma
All the fond memories I have with her came flooding back like it was just yesterday when I went to India for my vacation in 3rd grade. As soon as the car stopped at the entrance to our house, I stepped out to look around and was grabbed into the tightest hug with lots of kisses all over my face. My grandmother was radiating joy and affection as she held me in her arms and called my name. That is when I saw her wide smile which made her eyes cringe, her silver greying hair tied up in a knot, her blue and white stoned nose stud and most of all her kind face. She brought with her the smell of smoke from the wood stove (chulha ) and the fragrance of the meal she was preparing –that is my favorite memory of meeting her after growing up to an age where I can remember details.

Spending vacations in a village meant a drastic change in the lifestyle I was used to living in Dubai. For two months in a year, the apartment corridors would be replaced by vast open fields and courtyards where you could listen to the tree branches swishing, men discussing politics and news in the tea shop, cows mooing on their way to the pond to be washed and ladies haggling with the vegetable/ fish vendors. I would wake up early, run to my grandparent’s home in my imaginary scooter, and sit on the kitchen floor licking off Complan from a plate while watching my grandmother cut vegetables using a sickle. My evenings were filled with lighting the lamp and having vibhuthi (sacred ash) applied on my forehead and forearms by my grandmother while my grandfather would read the Ramayana (An epic poem read in Hindu households).

My grandmother was a strong woman who lost both her parents when she was young and was raised by her brothers; she was entrepreneurial as well as independent all her life. Even though my grandfather had a grocery store and they could live a good life, she also had her own firewood-selling shack in the backyard to earn extra income for the family and that was her path to financial independence. She would tell me stories of her childhood as we made newspaper covers in the light of the kerosene lamp to sell grains in the shop, that was what we used long before plastic packaging came into place. She also took care of her farm animals like her children; to her, they were also her family. She would give me a goat and a calf to take care of, whenever I stayed with her for the holidays. For someone who does not see animals other than stray cats and camels all through the year, this was a welcome change . Unknowingly she was developing an affinity for animals in me.

That's my Grandfather and Grandmother from my mother's side. They played a big role in making me who I am today as I stayed with them during my formative years.

I have seen her attend to a cow giving birth even though she has never learned any veterinary science, swing her axe with grace whether she was cutting firewood or jackfruit and complete anything that she has to do however tedious it is, without relying on a man. She taught me to do many things like – build a temporary stove with stones and firewood,   make brooms from palm leaves, reignite a fire by blowing into glowing charcoal, how to grind rice in an aatukal(a manual stone grinder) ,  how to get banana to ripen by placing it in a granary (pathayam)  which was used in the olden days for storing rice and grains. how to make a spoon from the leaves of the jackfruit tree and many more which I would probably never use in my life but does show me where my roots come from and warm my heart with nostalgia. She also taught me to be resilient and independent (generally & financially) with the way she led her life and proved to me that you can be humble, kind and still badass.

I am welling up with sadness and anger (at myself) as I am trying to finish this tribute to my grandmother because I could write so much more. If there is one message I wish to convey, it is to never take anyone in your life for granted. The joy you bring to your grandparents and parents by just visiting them and spending time with them is something we may not realize now until we are in their shoes. With our loved ones entering old age and us occupied with our professional/personal lives, the distance is widening and every minute we spent talking to them and sharing their chores, without our mobile phones or any other distraction will definitely lift their spirits and cheer them up. If you cannot be physically near them, then a phone call/ video call will also make them happy.

This tribute is my humble way of remembering my grandmother for the wonderful woman she was. I am going to carry my regret as I already I miss her so much and this will serve as a reminder to me of how important it is to value people in your life when you have the chance.

Courtesy :  

So dear readers we all have grandparents who spoilt us, guide us and are our source of strength. I would love to hear from all of you, as always let me know your viewpoints on what I have written as well.

So cherish your loved ones and shower your love on them and Carpe Diem!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Poem: Hello from the independent girl !

This is a piece I wrote to perform at a Slam Poetry Meet up called Backyard Poetry in Abu Dhabi. 
Hope you guys like it.As always let me know your thoughts through comments.

In her early twenties
She can vote, she can marry
Of society, she has to be wary

Freedom, Liberty & Equality
She has them all
With limits, set by Hypocrisy & Patriarchy

Love marriages, a challenging task
Boyfriend looked down upon
Boy whose stars align
Perfect, irrespective of his sins

Raised to be an achiever
Excel in art, science, math
Career with growth prospects
Given up for marriage prospects

Son travels around the world
Trip with friends, banned for the girl
Travel with your husband -is the word
Freedom of choice is barred.

Girl who voices her opinion
Rebuked for her choices
She will never find a companion
Her mind ignores these drones

Taught to dream high
Only to let them fly
At the marriage altar
With a sigh

Religions teach humanity
Society imparts virtues
Yet the differences rule.
Love thy brother, a joke.

The Virginity between her legs
Priority for the promiscuous man
Double standards are the norm
Her defiance raises a storm

She pleads for time
Before riding the marriage train
All Reasons in vain
As she is bound by invisible chains

Tentacles of Bigotry & Misogyny,
Reach to strangle her
Yet with defiance in her eyes
And Strength in her soul

The New Age Independent woman
Rises above her nemesis

Monday, May 1, 2017

Airplane Memoirs

Let me not start with my usual rant of not writing enough (I guess that’s how my guilt gets its share of happiness) , so the below article I wrote it for an in-flight magazine, but unfortunately things didn’t work out and so here I am posting it in my loyal blog which motivates me to write even when laziness swamps me.
Thank you for stopping by to read my blog post, since I have thanked you don’t just leave- Go on read away!
 So, since you have decided to read I would like to start with a note that I am not going to gift you movie tickets for an upcoming Thalaivar movie (if you are not familiar with the term Thalaivar*God forbid* it is how we Tamilian’s lovingly call Superstar Rajnikanth!) or vouchers to shop at your favourite mall. But a few minutes of reading pleasure (or That’s what I like to think of it as !).

Just for my readers who don't know Rajnikanth (Thalaivar), here's an image of the promotion done for his movie Kabali on an Air Asia plane. Courtesy: Indian Express
The airplane slowly started moving in the tarmac, the stewards hustle for final checks and take their seats
“ Ladies and gentlemen, we are now ready for take-off. Wish you all a safe journey.”

The giant man-made machine soars through the sky between the clouds flying effortlessly carrying tons of weight along with it. It’s been 112 years since the Wright brothers had their first flight and thankfully we have comfortable seats now unlike one of the brothers, Orville, who had to lie on his stomach on the lower wing of the aircraft.

 Welcome to the world of baggage queues, scary noisy toilets and midair dining experiences. The best part of it all , stunning bird eye views of the landscape below.
This was clicked on one of my flight travels from India to UAE,isn't the sunset beautiful?

As the flight takes off, you can see co-passengers chanting prayers to the Almighty for a safe trip which will be occasionally disturbed by a kid who needs attention! With hundreds of flights taking off every few minutes, God must really have a big server to process all these requests.I wouldn’t be surprised if his Inbox is constantly full!

During your travels, you will also come across co-passengers who think your shoulder is a free extension of their seat and doze off on your shoulder.You can handle these passengers easily, but there are some over concerned travelers who will dissect your entire life in a matter of minutes. Married? Studying ? Traveling alone? Aren’t you scared? Job details?  The lineage of your ancestors? What not! Don’t worry, you will get to know a share of their personal tragedies, happiness, and trivial information. Something to look forward to isn’t it?

With smartphones and tablets more popular, you also have annoying passengers who watch movies or listen to songs without headphones, these inconsiderate people do not even reduce the volume.So the best way to avoid them other than staring at them impolitely (which I am sure they won't understand) is to bring your own headphones.

But don’t let any of this dull the peace of mind you get when you are mid air, with no network coverage, just humans in a plane flying high among the clouds viewing the earth like a bird. The mountains, valleys and the sea look like paintings on a canvas.When you see the lights illuminating human civilization below you, you realize how you were a light down there yesterday for someone in an aircraft and the vastness of the world below you humbles and inspires you, all at the same time.

This picture here is an aerial shot of Dubai, and just watching this was such an introspective moment for me.

After this inspiring moment, when the plane lands with a thud back to earth, the mad rush to file out of the airplane begins.Then a seemingly calm airplane turns into a chaotic push and pull to get overhead luggage and move out to get out of the airport.   
So, till my next post , this is the annoying co-passenger who keeps the reading light on when you are trying to sleep- signing off. 
Hope you guys enjoyed it and as always do share your stories of travel J
Live life Carpe Diem!
And I shamelessly promise to write more often as always! (Hopefully I keep this one)
Another click which was taken, when I was trying to write in a flight.

Friday, March 3, 2017

The New Year Night Of Shame

The night was rather young and brimming with festive spirit, there were celebrations everywhere to welcome 2017. A new year with more opportunities, hope, peace, and love.But the crowded streets in Bangalore brought down humiliation, pain and unwanted sexual advances on the women folk who were there to welcome the New Year.
Two genders, at the same place, one left with a harrowing memory and the other the reason for it.
We read reports about the politician who said, how women “aping” Western culture were the reason for these shameful incidents. The lewd comments and piercing looks don’t stop even when you wear a saree or salwar kameez. You can feel the dirty stares scanning over your body, the unwanted groping in a busy bazaar, the whistles and comments objectifying your body, the wandering vile eyes looking for some skin all of this when you are in Indian clothes. So who is to blame?
Western clothes or not having a male accompany are not reasons to justify sexual harassment, there is no reasoning for this. It is a crime and this should not happen to any woman (or man). Every country should be safe for everyone to move about without the fear for their life and safety.
The women were touched, manhandled and molested by many unrighteous hands; reaching out for any female body they could reach to. Are we a toy of pleasure for your uncontrollable raging hormones?

Worships Goddesses but ironically the country is not safe for women.
Picture credits : Pawan Natekar
This does not end in the streets, it followed to the pubs and bars that night. A woman out in a pub to have a good time with friends does not spell out loose morals. She is there just like you to have some fun, you down a few drinks and can’t behave appropriately then leave (yes, go home!) but that does not call for you to grapple and feel her against her wishes to satisfy your twisted sexual needs.
A lady walking through a deserted street is an easy target for malicious men; the incident of the lady who was molested in Bangalore and caught on CCTV camera is one such incident, we all got to know the incident because of the video. How many such untold experiences? How many more women were left on the streets after an attack lying helpless and bruised like Nirbhaya (2012 Delhi gang rape victim)?
Even the police were left helpless by the intoxicated unruly mob, then how do you expect a single lady to be able to rescue herself from the hands of a bunch of molesters? Yes, there were brave women who fought back to these men and taught them a lesson so that they will never dare to repeat it ever again in their life. Kudos to you, Chaitali Wasnik !. Even in such instances, the bystanders and the crowd were only watching her response and not taking any action. Where are your morals common people of India?
Incidents like these are a reminder that India is not safe for women, so ladies for your own safety arm yourself with pepper sprays or any other self-defense tools that you are comfortable with , because we still have men in our society who have no self-control and are sexual predators.
It would be completely unfair if I do not mention the people (men & women) who helped the troubled women to safety. So yes, thank you for being human and doing the right thing.
May this unfortunate incident open the eyes of our society as well as our political and judicial system to make amends, take action and bring about change to the existing mindset, complacency and victim shaming. And fellow humans remember – there is no hard-and-fast rule that you should only help and support your family and loved ones; every man, woman and child in distress is looking out for your

Note : This article was also published in Youth Ki Awaaz, the online meda platform on January 10,2017.

Monday, May 30, 2016

10 things I learnt from my 24 years on Earth!

It’s May 2016, we have forgotten the resolutions we made in January and are slowly realizing that nothing has really changed like we wish every New Year. But amidst this familiar routine, few things are added- a new job, shift to another city, relationship changes and so on. Sifting through all the  short lived resolutions , celebrations , heart breaks, joys, career gains, trips and umpteen other memories ; it struck me that I have been here on Planet Earth, a tiny speck in the entire universe, for 24 years (never ask a lady her age apparently, but what if she is a loudmouth like me !Makes it easier I guess J)  and  I wanted to write on what it is that I have actually learned in my time on Planet Earth.

During this entire time, I graduated  from school (14 years), Finished my college both undergrad & Masters  (6 years ), stayed away from home, lived on my own, got a job , and have been having  my share of fun! (My blog is constantly monitored by...F.. FBI (Nah!)  but by my parents so I will not let you know the details of “Fun”).I can already imagine the look my parents  are going to give me, anyhow lets worry about that later.

Image by Alex Noriega 

So this list is going to be few things I’m thankful to have known and will continue to follow ,while it may be things you  already know  .So, if you think it is right then you can take it forward, if not please do feel free to share your thoughts.
 I also do not want to sound like an annoying know-it-all-been-through-it-all because I still have tons of experiences to go through to be that boring ! So brace yourself guys! Here it comes :

  1.   Life isn’t really fair : Yes we say justice and fairness , but the world has its own ways and everyone’s selfish except for very few people in our lives. And just because life isn’t fair, does not mean you should not stand up for what you believe in and fight for it.                                     
    Nothing like, what Harry Potter books taught us! 

  2.    We are responsible for our happiness: If you have a monotonous routine which makes you dull – you are to be blamed. If you really want to be happy, take the effort to change things you want to. Indulge in experiences than in materialistic goals and surround yourself with positive people and goodness. And remember your mind controls how you feel, and you control your mind.                                                                                                                                                     
    Image by Heather
  3.     Go solo : I used to hate solo dining. As a person who is used to and loves being around people it was quite different for me. But as I started growing older, I found solace in being alone with myself .It gives you a calmness, clarity and a better understanding of your single best buddy – YOURSELF!. It could be solo- travelling, dining, driving or even just a walk! This is also the best time to pick your brain and drown in your thoughts.                                               
  4.    Be kind :  Yes ,we can be focused on our own happiness .But make sure you do not hurt anyone. Also do not behave in a way you would not want to be treated. Treat everyone warmly be it a stranger, an acquaintance or an animal .                                                             
    Image from Word Porn
  5.  Experiment: Yes it is something I need to do often as well. Our world with a history of over six million years and a relate able civilization about 6,000 years old with 7 billion people, definitely has tons of exciting and interesting things in store for us- we just need to take the initiative. We have our comfort shell, which we are too resistant to come out of. It could be trying a new sport or getting a pixie haircut, if you have had it in your mind, Go Do IT! You will either feel good or never do it again, either way it’s a change/realization.                                     
    Image by Alex Noriega 
  6.     Keep the kid in you alive : Don’t let the serious world intimidate and dull you. Go enjoy little pleasures and believe that anything and everything is possible by YOU. Do you want to jump puddles when its raining or collect sea shells on the beach ? What's stopping you ? Go do it, you will be happy you did.                          
  7.     Keep learning : We all wanted to be out of  school, college and start working (also read as laze around). But once we got “ that job” we  got stuck up to it, binding ourselves to that routine and working like a clock .It is good because it gives you money to go on , and a job where you hopefully like what you do and get the experience( to get the next bigger better paying job/ to reach your ambitions). During this monotonous rush,we forget that we need to keep our brains healthy .                                                                                                 Information is abundant today; everything is available at a click. So make time in your daily schedule to read new interesting articles, stories and books .If reading never seemed interesting to you , watch a video  or listen to podcasts - about something you have always wondered about like who built the Stone henge or what is the golden ratio? Also remember how inquisitive you were as a kid, why did you let that die down? Go ask questions, explore and be passionately curious (Einstein said that!)                                                                                        
    Image by Poemsporn
  8.  Learn to cook : That’s a survival tip! You don’t need to make an elaborate 4 course meal to make your future mother in law or wife happy, but you should be able to make a decent omelette sandwich or some tea to cheer you up from a tiring day. And feel free to send me some as well.  
  9. Travel : As a generation , we Millennial’s  are not tourists but travelers. We travel frugally and blend in like a local, instead of just visiting the touristy spots we find joy in relaxing in the nondescript cafes and exploring street bazaars. As a person who hasn’t traveled much but has kept it as a personal resolution to I would suggest the same to you dear reader. Go far and wide with an open mind, travel everywhere. It needn’t be the 7 wonders of the world; each city is a beauty waiting to be explored. Travelling  makes us aware of our fears and dependencies, and each journey will be an experience. What's life without a little adventure :)                                                                    
                    Image by Melissa 
  10.    Meet  people from different cultures & Age groups : Yes befriend that person from a different country or different place in India with  whom you haven’t spoken to because you have your cozy comfortable friend circle. Each person has a story and is living one, which might be similar to yours or very different .Talking to them will open up your mind and thoughts when you see how unique each culture is and yet in all that diversity some of the values are all the same. At the end of the day we are all human.
    Image by Alex Noriega 
So, don’t worry about people judging you , whatever you do they will .
There are many more things I can add to this list, but I do not want to be phoney so I have included only things that I follow or have learnt along the way.
So do let me know your feedback, if you think this is useful or not I would love to hear back from you !

Till my next post (which will be soon, InshAllah.) . Go live life Carpe diem ! J
Keep that beautiful smile on, there’s lot more in the world to seek, learn and discover ! J

P.S: The images used in this post have been taken from the Internet, I have linked the sources which I am aware of.For those which I do not know the originator, please send me a message/comment and I will link your profile to the picture.
Thank you for allowing me to use these pictures , they are wonderful :)
Image by Heather