Wednesday, April 1, 2020

10 things to do when social distancing - Life during COVID -19

We truly live in a time of crisis, with most of us experiencing a pandemic that has changed the way we wash our hands, interact with others, look out for each other and jump at the sound of someone's cough. As we are being encouraged and told to practice social distancing, we find ourselves with plenty of time on our hands as we can’t go out to public places and are confined to our houses. 

It’s been slightly more than a week since I have gone into self-quarantine and I have realized that having a routine makes it easier and more efficient for me to get things done. So I have picked up few things which I am doing and feel we can all do, with the time we now have owing to no commute, social life and work from home during this self-quarantine period. If you need an accountability partner to help you through your tasks, I am available - just reach out :).

So go on, check out the list :
1. Work out at home & rest: Use this time to recuperate from the fast life you have been leading, get your sleep and exercise. Set aside 30 minutes to 1 hour to do workouts at home – it could be yoga, a mix of different exercises or even your favorite dance routine. This will help release endorphins which gives you a positive feeling – much needed in these times. Also, make it a point to sleep for a minimum of 8 hours to ensure you keep your immune system in good working condition.
I found this one helpful and have made a home work out combined with yoga and exercises.
You can make one that suits your health too.
Image Courtesy: Balancing Bites

2. Learn a course: Was there a professional course you wanted to do, but couldn’t since you didn’t have time? Then this is it, there are plenty of free and paid courses you can take from the comforts of your home. At the end of the self-quarantine, you would have added a new skill - you can choose to learn an instrument or complete a course in a subject of your interest. I am doing a course in Marketing on HubSpot as I feel it will add value to my career, what would you like to learn?

3. Watch your favorite movies/ tv-shows: We all have plenty of movies/ tv-shows we want to watch at any point in time – now is the time to catch up on them. I tend to avoid watching shows (overstatement!) because I get hooked on to them pretty quickly and can’t focus on other stuff until I finish watching all of it, so movies are my go-to option. I am going to be watching all the movies nominated for the Academy Awards and the show Fleabag (in moderation), let me know your suggestions.

4. Take care of your mind: This self-quarantine time at home has been quite a chaotic time for me, at times I feel low and some other times calm. And in moments when I feel anxious, I take a deep breath and focus on my breath and become mindful of my body and senses. This has always helped me, take a deep breath right now – I am sure you will feel slightly relieved once you exhale. I'd suggest trying meditation, I have found it particularly useful. There are really good apps like Headspace and Calm which will take you through a guided meditation, to help ground you. 

Image courtesy : Business Insider

5. Read a book: For those of you book lovers who keep complaining that we don’t have time to read - guess we have got that problem solved now. Set a goal to read and try to achieve it during this period. I have set a target of two books; Sapiens by Yuval Noah Hariri & The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. I would like to know which books you are reading, do give me your suggestions.

As a book hoarder, I am always tempted to buy books and have plenty of unread books in my bookshelf - that oddly comforts me since I won't run out of books.
Image Courtesy: Bookidote

6. Create art: You could be a poet, singer, musician, painter, writer, photographer or interested in creating any form of art. I urge you to take this time to create art, it will help you relax and keep your mind active. You never know who will be inspired by your art and the world needs more of it during the time that we are living in. We can’t all just be doing jobs; we do need hobbies that help us relax too. I am going to be writing poetry and also learning to paint - I will share them on Instagram and here on my blog, I would love to see your creations- do share them (please).
    " The world always seems brighter when you've just made something that wasn't there before" - Neil Gaiman
    Image Courtesy: WWAS
7. Healthy eating & Self-care: This is a time when you are away from pollution and hectic schedules, so use this time to take care of yourself. Indulge in those head massages, nourish your skin, exfoliate and spend time to give your body the attention it needs. This is also a great time to cut down on junk food and cook up yummy healthy meals with family and loved ones. I have personally felt a good change in my body after I included more salad and fruits in my diet, you can try it and implement it as per your dietary requirements. Since we need to stay at home, we can come up with a healthy eating routine and cook well balanced nutritious meals, because we have the luxury of time.
The Harvard Healthy Eating Pyramid
Image Courtesy: Health guide

8. Reflect & Introspect: We are not perfect individuals and if you believe so, then sorry to burst your bubble. Take this time to connect with yourself and introspect to understand your patterns and behavior. Also, become self-aware and understand your shadow self. I have taken up journaling to help me in this introspection, you can adopt other practices that help you. This will also help you understand yourself, be grounded and understand the emotions you are feeling.

Take time and get to know yourself
Image Courtesy: Vocal

9. DIY & Organise:  Pick up any project that you can do yourself- could be a shoe stand, jewelry organiser, wine rack, decorating your personal space or even re-organising your home. This will help you keep your creative mind active and add a new look to your space. My project is to make a gratitude calendar where I can keep track of all the good things that happened to me throughout the year, this is for me to develop gratitude and remind me of the good things in life.
I am working on making a similar gratitude calendar.
Image Courtesy: Habits for wellbeing

10. Relax and connect with your loved ones: It is an emotionally difficult time and since we are bound to our homes, we are prone to feeling lonely. Call or video chat with your friends and family, reconnect with old friends, have fun group calls – all of us can do with some cheer and conversation. Don't forget to spend time with family at home - could be a board game, helping around the house or just having a nice conversation.
When these adorable dogs can video call, we definitely should!
Image Courtesy: Pinterest
The above list is not a checklist you need to do, just some things I have chosen to do - feel free to pick the ones which interest you and leave the rest. Don’t let this make you feel pressured and if all you want to do is take a break - that’s fine too. Do what works for you, I would love to know what you have picked up during this period. And if ever you want to talk to someone, you can always reach out to me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or even in the comments here and I will write back to you.

Just a note before I end this post - if you are feeling very uncertain/pressured know that no one has got it all under control (though it may look like it). Every time I complain that I am lagging on my goals and everyone else seems to be well figured out, my very dear friend sings a song. The lyric from the song goes like this, “These guys, they've all got their problems”. It’s a reminder for me that I am good enough and to live every moment fully in the present without comparing myself to others (I'm still trying to do that). So live carpe diem folks!

Getting back to writing feels amazing and I intend to continue. Let me know your thoughts on the current situation and your feedback in the comments below. Take care and stay at home, I hope you and your family are safe.

Note: If you can help shop for elderly neighbors, feed stray animals and provide some money to those who need - please do. Your kindness will make someone's day. Do remember to stay safe and take the necessary precautions. 

I found this infographic useful, so sharing it here 
            Image Courtesy: Maeeel